Occupying Afghanistan Does Nothing But Make America LESS Safe
                  Didn't we already have a so-called troop "surge" in Afghanistan? Well it obviously didn't work. Because now General Stanley McChrystal, whose last appointment was head of Dick Cheney's secret international assassination ring, is back pressuring President Obama to double down again on this strategically insane bet. The policy was doomed from the beginning, as we all knew, has done nothing but exacerbate hatred of America, and the more troops we send the more terrorists there will be who want nothing but revenge for the military occupation of their own country.

                  And for what? To prop up the patently fraudulent Karzai regime, that just stole an election with massive wholesale vote rigging. If our goal was to bring American style democracy to a remote and backward conglomeration of tribal warlords, considering our own electronically rigged elections, perhaps that is exactly what we have done. We are on the wrong side. We need to get out and cut our losses, NOW. HR2404 calls for an exit strategy [text of bill]. HR3699 prohibits funding for increasing our military force in Afghanistan [text of bill].

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