The Filibuster Is Being Abused Beyond Any Possible Redemptive Value
                  Obstructionism reached a new low of self-serving political blatancy this week when we learned that Sen. Shelby of Alabama was blocking ALL administrations nominees for any position until he got HIS earmarks for certain defense contracts in HIS district. This includes nominees in critical positions of national security. This is no longer just the party of "No", this is the party of spite. And it doesn't help that a couple enemies of reform in the Democratic Senate Caucus itself are forcing every bill to be totally crippled by filibuster threats of their own, in just the same way.

                  The fact is that the Republicans smashed the old filibuster record in the 110th Congress (2007-2008) by nearly a 2 to 1 margin over any previous session, and are on track to possibly break that ignominious record again. More than enough is way past enough. They are on record stating that the have an agenda of obstructionism, including the most perfunctory of procedural motions. This can no longer be tolerated. A minority party cannot be allowed to grind all the productive business of the people to an effective halt out of sheer strategic political spite. The filibuster must be abolished now.

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