We Now Have Majority On The Supreme Court So Unlawful That Only Impeachment Is Sufficient Remedy
                  By any fair legal definition, the decision [PDF of full court opinion] yesterday by a gang of 5 right wing judicial outlaws on our Supreme Court to give corporations unlimited influence over our elections, in failing to even bother to distinguish between domestic and foreign owned corporations, and in knowingly leaving America vulnerable to the latter BY their ruling, constitutes nothing less than an act of TREASON against the people of the United States.

                  Most ominously, they have now put us on dramatic notice that this is just the beginning of their planned judicial coup, and that they intend to go much further if not arrested now. Indeed, Clarence Thomas ominously declares in his dissent, asserting the decision did not go far enough (page 1), that this is just the "first step". The Supreme Court 5 now represent a clear and present danger to our democracy, and they must be stopped before they commit any more high crimes of judicial fraud.

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