Well, pretty much the ONLY thing the Chamber of Commerce does is peddle political influence, and this is exactly why the diabolically misnamed Citizens United case in the Supreme Court was such an outrage. The Court did not even bother to make a distinction between foreign corporations and American ones, ruling that all could sit on the scales of our elections, as if they were great movements of living, breathing citizens. Let us be clear, NO corporations should be allowed to promote their selfish business interests as the free speech right reserved for the people, and we need a constitutional amendment that corrects any such misinterpretation.
But beyond that, the one thing the Supreme Court grudgingly did allow was that Congress could pass a disclosure law, like The DISCLOSE Act, to bring some sunshine into who was contributing to whom and for what. And yet not even this has Congress been able to bring itself to do. Who are the treasonous members of Congress who think it's a good idea for foreigners to own our politicians? The American people want to know and they want to know now. Tell Congress to sponsor The DISCLOSE Act or be so identified.
The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Sponsor The DISCLOSE Act." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.