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Time To Get Serious About The Global Warming Disaster
3,701 Submissions so far
There used to be a concept called public policy, the idea that it is the responsibility of our government, on behalf of the general welfare of the people, to take necessary action to protect us by making laws that change the way people behave. And yet, despite overwhelming evidence that man-made carbon dioxide pollution is radically changing our global climate, government appears to be determined to do just the opposite, by accelerating the burning of fossil fuels.
We need a crash program of global reforestation, reversal of carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere starting with elimination of ALL fossil fuel usage, and strong international cooperation to make this happen. To those who say we cannot afford to do these things, witness the cost of just one storm, 50 billion and counting. What's the cost of replacing the infrastructure of just a couple major coastal cities? Another decade or so at this rate and we can kiss them all goodbye.
The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Time To Get Serious About The Global Warming Disaster." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.