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Time For Federal Gun Regulation
Those who argue that the 2nd Amendment grants unlimited gun ownership rights must also recognize it is a federal constitutional amendment. And for those able to read and comprehend a COMPLETE sentence in the English language, it was never intended to operate outside of a "well regulated militia." We must therefore institute reasonable gun regulation at the federal level, not leave it solely up to states to turn their territories into shooting galleries, and feed deadly weapons of mass murder to buyers from states with more sane and responsible laws.

A couple things are obvious. First, as a general rule ownership of guns makes their owners less, rather than more, safe. Gun ownership results in 2-10 times the suicide rate, large increases in the accidental killing of friends and family members, and as we saw in Sandy Hook, the real danger of the guns of gun "enthusiasts" being turned on themselves. So provision number one must be mandatory trigger locks nationwide.

And second, these semi-automatic weapons of mass murder must be taken off our streets, all of them, period. If necessary with a federal buyout provision. Outside of those with David Koresh fantasies there is no justifiable reason for private citizens to own such things. For those who think they might need such arsenals to fight off our own government, guess what, if the government really wants to get you nowadays they'll just target you with a drone. Fat chance your pile of pea-shooters has against that scenario.

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Time For Federal Gun Regulation." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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