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Fill All Judicial And Administrative Vacancies NOW
It did not take long for the monumental folly of the Senate Democrats in not abolishing the filibuster to come to a head. A couple days later the DC Federal Court of Appeals ruled that so-called recess appointments were not to be allowed anymore. So the one little weasel last resort for bypassing Republican obstructionism by filibustering executive appointments has been struck down. And of course this could never have been used for judicial nominees who are appointed for life.

What is most inexcusable is that the Obama administration has not even put forward nominees for many long vacant positions. In the DC Appeals Court itself there are currently four vacancies, but President Obama has so far only even proposed two. And then some people wonder why there is nobody up there but hard core right wing ideologues to render decisions like the one we just referred to. The case overload at the federal appellate level is at such a crisis that even Supreme Court Justice John Roberts has pleaded for these positions to be filled.

The same situation prevails at multiple administrative agencies where, for example, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms has not had a full time director for 6 years, because the Republicans refuse to confirm one. In the meantime, first graders are massacred in their classrooms. And there are many more examples.

We are demanding that all vacant judicial and administrative posts be filled immediately. And if Republicans still want to filibuster them all, its time to immediately reconsider abolishing the filibuster and drop the nuclear option mid-session if necessary, which is exactly what Republicans threatened to do to get Roberts confirmed in the first place.

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