MILLION FAX MARCH ACTION PAGE: (sends e-faxes for you, just submit the form)
Stop The Monsanto Reckless Release Act
Washington, DC is a literal crime scene this week, a classic whodunit. Not even Jon Tester, a member himself of the United States Senate, can get anyone to tell him who secretly slipped language into the emergency spending bill that purports to forbid both the Department of Agriculture and the Courts from restricting unsafe GMOs. This provision would purport to force release into the wild of untested and potentially dangerous organisms, and stands to benefit only the corporate special interests of Monsanto in particular.

There is a word for this. And the word is graft, making law for the favor of a particular special interest contributor. If this is such a great provision, why is it that nobody will even admit who put it in there?

It's not only a crime, it is irresponsible, as so many GMOs have proven to have been a disaster already, just accelerating weed and pest resistance. But Monsanto seeks to do the damage of reckless release into the environment first, and test later. We are demanding a hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee to determine who is responsible for putting this in there, and to demand their immediate resignation, regardless of party affiliation, so that this kind of anonymous graft (link to the bill itself) can never happen again.

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