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Stop The Filibuster Now
Ordinarily, if we were to talk about stolen elections in the US, some might call us conspiracy theorists. But by their totalitarian abuse of the anachronism of the filibuster, the Republican party has in constructive fact stolen 9 senate seats, by unilaterally requiring a majority of 60, not 51, to do anything in the Senate.

While multiple federal agencies become dysfunctional from loss of a quorum, or strain from understaffing as of judges in our court systems, Republicans refuse to confirm ANY nominee that they would not have nominated themselves, presuming they had won the last two presidential elections. Worse yet, they refuse to consider any nominee whatsoever for agencies they wish they could abolish outright.

This week Senator McConnell threatened that if anything is done to rein in this outrageous dictatorship of the minority, he will go nuclear on everything if they ever regain a simple Senate majority. Simply stated, the Republicans have ALREADY gone nuclear on everything by their wall to wall filibusters.

If the Democrats do not stand up for themselves, and for the people that voted for them, why should anyone even bother to come out to vote for them again? That of course is the strategy behind this non-stop Republican temper tantrum, to dictate there can be no government at all unless they are in power. When you do not stand up to a bully you just get bullied more.

End the filibuster now.

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Stop The Filibuster Now." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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