MILLION FAX MARCH ACTION PAGE: (sends e-faxes for you, just submit the form)
Put SB1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act, On The November Ballot
SB1272, the Overturn Citizens United Act, which would give the citizens of CA a chance to speak out in the upcoming November election against the corrupt Citizens United supreme court decision, is on track to reach Governor Brown's desk this week, having passed in the full CA Assembly, just as it passed by wide margins in every committee and in the full CA Senate.

So it is not too soon to think about having Governor Jerry Brown sign this Voter Instruction Measure, which would afford California voters the opportunity to voice their outrage over the Supreme Court's misapplication of law in Citizens United v. FEC, McCutcheon v FEC and other judicial precedents.

We ask for Governor Brown's signature.

Justice John Paul Stevens, in his book Six Amendments has called for the Court to be corrected. There are many examples in our nation's history when the SCOTUS has warranted correcting. This is another. We cannot wait for the SCOTUS personnel to change or expect the Roberts Court to correct its own mistakes. Instead, we can expect them to further eviscerated duly enacted campaign finance laws and further assert the perversion of corporate constitutional rights. (The Sebelius v Hobby Lobby decision will be handed down any day now.)

While California voters, since The American Federation of Labor v. EU, (1984,) no longer have the right to signature gather our way to a voter advisory measure, we still have the right to petition our elected representatives to place a Voter Advisory measure on the ballot, which we have done. Our legislators have responded and will, we believe, pass SB 1272 and send it to you. We ask for your support.

At a time when policy outcomes that benefit We the People are continually denied and outcomes that favor economic elites and business oriented interests groups routinely prevail, as described in the recent Gilens and Page study out of Princeton and Northwestern Universities, we believe that the voices of 37 millions Californians calling upon the US Congress to draft and pass an amendment or amendments to reassert the rights of We The People to limit and regulate the money flowing into our political processes and to reaffirm that the rights and privileges established in the Bill of Rights are the rights of persons and not entities, could have a powerful and positive impact on the national discussion that we must have.

We ask you to sign SB 1272, The Overturn Citizens United Act.

Read The FAX Petition

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