1. MILLION FAX MARCH ACTION PAGE: (sends e-faxes for you, just submit the form)
                  Veto Keystone XL
                  We will not hold our tongues. We will not fall silent.

                  Money from the Koch brothers, who stand to profit directly from their ownership of tar sand properties, may have purchased the Senate. But President Obama can and must veto Keystone XL.

                  This is the dirtiest possible fossil fuel obtained in the dirtiest possible way. Large areas of Alberta have already been turned into a filthy moonscape of stinking artificial lakes of waste water that will never go away.

                  The State Department report says there are no ill effects anticipated, but ONLY if you disregard the inevitable ill effects, most notably a further acceleration of destructive global climate change. How many more times will we hear pathetic apologies about leaks from pipelines they assured us could never spring a leak?

                  We call on President Obama to stand fast and veto Keystone XL.

                  The one click form below will send your personal message (together with the petition text above) to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Veto Keystone XL." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

                  Constituent info:
                  First: Last:
                  Address: Apt/Ste: City:
                  State: Zip: Phone: (optional)
                  Select your recipients:
                   President Obama,
                   My nearest daily newspaper    I'd like to choose   No paper
                  Next add your own personal message on the subject:
                  All comments should be appropriately respectful and in acceptable taste. If one of your recipients is also a newspaper there is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of about 250 words. Your signature will be added automatically. Submission of this form constitutes authorization to publish your letter in your local newspaper if that option is selected above.

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                  Submit the email addresses of friends to invite to write as well:
                  The way to have maximum impact is by sending speak out invitations to as many of your fellow constituents as possible and encourage them to make their voices heard also.
                  I would like to hear more about this and other issues.
                  Now send your message(s)
                    Just click once

                  If you need help with the form or for a simplified version of this action page click here.

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