End The Censorship Of Truly Progressive Viewpoints In The Mainstream Media
                  A couple of weeks ago all of the monolith of right wing radio was literally hysterical about the possibility that the Fairness Doctrine might be brought back. And then all of a sudden on Feb 26, 2009, with no other warning, a nauseatingly named and so-called "Broadcaster Freedom Act" (S. 34) was passed as an amendment to the DC voting rights bill in the Senate. It happened so fast that none of the congressional bill tracking sites have an update on this yet.

                  We're of the opinion that the handful of hostile corporations who have such a death grip on our political speech right now don't need any more "freedom" to suppress even paid commercials they don't agree with, and to coordinate secret advertiser boycotts of the few progressive outlets in the so-called "free" market. The only point of Broadcaster Dictatorship provision is to make the current extreme wingnut bias of our media permanent, and to hold the DC voting rights bill for ransom to do it.

                  The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Take The Broadcaster Freedom Act Out Of The DC Voting Rights Bill." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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                  All comments should be appropriately respectful and in acceptable taste. If one of your recipients is also a newspaper there is a minimum of 10 and a maximum of about 250 words. Your signature will be added automatically. Submission of this form constitutes authorization to publish your letter in your local newspaper if that option is selected above.

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