HR 875 Is Not About Food safety, It's About Genocide of Agricultural Biodiversity
This is Linn Cohen-Cole speaking out against HR 875 (audio clip is 11:26 long, thanks to Gary Null)
One of the most potentially dangerous bills we've ever heard of is trying to sneak its way through Congress right now, in the sheep's clothing of so-called "modernization" of food safety. HR 875 (text of bill) is a bill put up by Monsanto and other monolithic corporations trying to seize totalitarian control over all agriculture. It was introduced by Rosa DeLauro, and is ultimately about one thing, defining ONLY their own GMO (Genetically Mutated Organism) products as "safe".
What makes the bill so dangerous is that it is heavy on penalties including prison time, while at the same time being incredibly vague about what would actually trigger those sanctions. HR 875 is nothing but a Trojan horse, with an invading army to be designated later, in the form of a bureaucratic administrator (most likely a corporate lobbyist shill) with the LAW MAKING POWER to make up their own definitions so that all competitors are either driven into bankruptcy or locked up. There are problems with food safety we can talk about, but HR 875 is not going to make us safer, any more than invading Iraq made us safer. It MUST be stopped.
The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Stop HR 875, The Food Fascism Act." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.