Why Are Republican Senators Holding The Rule Of Law For Ransom?
                  There was a story this week that Republican senators were threatening to "go nuclear" and filibuster EVERYTHING (as if they were not already doing that) if the Justice department released the secret memos that the Bush administration had drafted to their own evil specifications to say that torture was OK. If these apparently flimsy, self-serving documents were supposed to stand as a get out of jail free card for the Bush/Cheney torturers, they must be pretty damning stuff.

                  Indeed, if this was supposed to be their defense for war crimes, war crimes that have made us all dramatically less safe by exponentially ramping up hatred for the U.S. all over the world, they should be proud to display their defense in the full light of day. But it is Republican members of Congress who are desperately trying to get Obama to keep their filthy, treasonous secrets with them, so we must speak out to them in particular. Shame on the so-called rule of law crowd ... for abject, irredeemable shame. And on us as well unless we demand the immediate release of these legal hack jobs.

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