The Stevens Prosecution Was Not Politically Motivated, But The Siegelman One Was
                  Former Senator Ted Stevens was allowed to just walk away from the crimes he has still not been absolved from, because of prosecutorial abuse. And yet those SAME prosecutors were the ones who cooked up the framing of Alabama governor Don Siegelman on totally bogus charges, now affirmed by a partisan all-Republican appellate court, despite a brief filed by 54 former state attorneys general calling for reversal of the convictions, and more than that have already written to Holder calling for him to intervene.

                  Over the weekend the New York Times called for a "fresh look" at the Siegelman case. We go further. Holder must immediately reverse the government's position and ask the Court to vacate the convictions, and failing all else Obama must pardon Siegelman to stop a gross miscarriage of justice. Not only that, Congress must finally enforce the subpoenas that Karl Rove has been thumbing his nose at for over a year, and he must be compelled to testify about his role in politically motivated persecution of Don Siegelman.

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