There were no terrorists in Iraq to go to war AGAINST, except ones the Bush and Cheney themselves elevated by their reckless occupation. And continuing the occupation there will just breed two more local insurgents for every one they pick off in a photo-op bombing.

It's time for Congress to fufill the promise of the November elections to stop the war in Iraq, and the only assurance we have that they will actually do that is if we CONTINUE to call and write them, again and again, until they finally realize we in fact expect them to do it.
First the American people spoke in overwhelming numbers on November 7, soundly repudiating current policy, with ENDING the Iraq war/occupation at the top of their list. The Bush administration heard nothing. Then the Iraq Study Group delivered its report, which despite its timid recommendations on actual troop withdrawal again sent the message that something had to change immediately. The Bush administration did not get it. Instead we are told that Bush is on a "listening" tour, apparently desperately trying to find some half-credible person somewhere who will tell him what he wants to hear, that no fundamental change of course is necessary.

When our founders drafted our Constitution, the thing they feared most was that a despot would arise to arrogate dictatorial power, which is why they made repeated references to the procedure of impeachment as the ultimate check and balance. Most of all they sought to guard against the kind of abusive, absolutist power that they had fought a revolutionary war to escape. And what Bush and Cheney have given us if a textbook example of what they strove so mightily to ensure against as our heritage.

All the particular violations of law of the Bush Administration which have become public knowledge already, the illegal wiretaps, the authorization at the highest level of torture, preemptive attacks on other countries on flimsy and mendacious justification, these are just the inevitable symptoms of the root cause. The highest constitutional crime of all is to act as a king. And the confession to that crime was the exclamation, "I'm the decider." The instant charade of intense "listening" is nothing more than an attempt to lull, to stall, to buy time, and ultimately to defy the other two branches of government and the people of the United States ourselves, while every day up to ten or more of our troops die for nothing in an illegal war of hubris.

We no longer have any choice whether or not to press for impeachment. There is no other democratic way left for us to stop the runaway train of seized power. To NOT act as mandated by the Constitution is to toss that revered document into the same trash basket as Bush and Cheney have, smirking as they did all the way. No matter what the disastrous consequences of their actions they will never give up an iota of the power they have stolen without being directly confronted with impeachment. They would not hear any other message. THAT is the message we must send most urgently now.

The one click form below will send your personal message to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Impeach Bush and Cheney Now." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.

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