Action pnum306 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Impeach President Bush And Vice-President Cheney Now ********** [140317:122907] M.A., Santa Rosa, CA They MUST be held accountable for crimes against the Constitution! And lying to the citizens they swore to protect. ********** [130337:111207] B.A., Mount Croghan, SC I think it is wrong what this president is doning to america.first of all i didnot vote for him i knew he would do this.i really don't know what people are goning to do if things keep goning the way they are i think Bush needs to be impeached as soo as posssible and chaney neither on of them knows what they are doning.they have everything messed up no jobs.gas to high.people loosing there homes beecause there are no jobs. ********** [162935:051007] G.C., Nyack, NY Our law is not "quaint"; GW Bush is not "the decider". Our Vice President is not to be a self-identified resident of "The Dark Side". The smiling face of Pvt. Christie England is not the face of this country. Give us our country back. It's spelled out in /George W. Bush versus the U.S. Constitution, Compiled at the Direction of Representative John Conyers, Jr./[Chicago, IL: Academy Chicago Publishers, 2006], and in Goodman, William, Legal Director, Center for Constitutional Rights. /Articles of Impeachment Against George W. Bush/[Hoboken, NJ: Melville House Publishing, 2006]. We put you where you are to be active on our behalf now. Do it! ********** [023638:030707] M.D., Bridgeton, NJ It was reported that the NSA wiretap program was in effect 9 months BEFORE 9/11. It didn't prevent the attacks. Impeach Bush/Cheney for 9/11 truth. ********** [105214:011907] S.M., Apple Valley, CA I find exception to President Bush's use of our government and armies for personal use. I believe both Bush and Cheney have made personal profit from the Iraq action and are selfishly gaining from their relationship with the Saudi government. Cheney's trips to Saudi Arabia are to make sure the payments for themselves and their cronnies are channeled to the correct accounts. Bush and Cheney do not care about the Middle East. I believe they have both ruined any relationship with the Middle Eastern countries. If Bush wants to get into future history books, let it be as the 1st President to be impeached and removed from the White House without pardon. Only the Viet Nam police action and Bush's terms in office rank as the US's most embarrassing years in my lifetime. Please make this nonsense end. ********** [221345:011407] R.D., Fairview, TN I would also like to hear responses from any politicians regarding documentaries such as "Loose Change" and other similar 911 conspiracy reports. For some strange reason, these documentary films are never broadcast on public telivision, why is this? Is it because the politicians control the press and the politicians do not want the general public in an uproar? I'm sick of the Bush administration, the "New World Order", the lies, the deceipt, etc. Get them out of office and hold them responsible for the crimes they've commited. ********** [221238:011407] R.D., Fairview, TN I would also like to hear responses from any politicians regarding documentaries such as "Loose Change" and other similar 911 conspiracy reports. For some strange reason, these documentary films are never broadcast on public telivision, why is this? Is it because the politicians control the press and the politicians do not want the general public in an uproar? I'm sick of the Bush administration, the "New World Order", the lies, the deceipt, etc. Get them out of office and hold them responsible for the crimes they've commited. ********** [213333:011007] G.C., Nyack, NY The doctrine of the Unitary Executive (Divine Emperor God) is an ancient Oriental tradition first put forward I believe during the 1st Dynasty (1st out of I think 38) of the Old Kingdom of ancient Egypt. Its importation into the Western Hemisphere at this late date by an historically precident-driven Supreme Court is matched only by that same Supreme Court stealing a US Presidential Election in broad daylight and getting away with it. If either of these events were made the subject of a novel it would never sell: no one could believe such fantasia, even employing the literary technique of willing suspension of disbelief. How many in the endless series of high crimes and misdemeanors committed by the Executive Branch are Americans able to sit still for? Can the catatonia of the rubber stamp House and Senate be explained by anyone? Believed by anyone? Thomas Jefferson said, and he meant every word: "The tree of liberty must be nourished periodically by the blood of tyrants." ********** [152819:121606] J.G., Hesperia, CA As an American citizen I am demanding that my elected officials exercise their Constitutional duty to provide for checks and balances within our Republic. Mr Bush's lies and abuse of power far exceed the standard that was set during Mr. Clinton's impeachment trial. Do you hold the common man in such contempt that you will continue to deny that Mr. Bush, who stole two electons, and has no right to hold the office should not be held accountable? Mr. Bush's lies kill American soldiers and innocent Iraqi women and children. Has a life as an elected offical made you so callous to murder and genocide that you can no longer act and do the right thing for the American people? End Bush's war, bring the troops home and let the American people decide who should be President again. ********** [105413:120606] P.B., Port Townsend, WA I suggest that for additional impeachment strategies you investigate the 3 part series on indictment for fraud by Elizabeth de la Vega published by Ms de la Vega, a former federal prosecutor, presents a compelling case for criminal indictment. Please read and confirm. If truly substantial it would include all of the participants in the fraudulent decision to go to war. ********** [195838:112806] N.W., Hemet, CA We MUST impeach. To do nothing is to condone and that is flatly impossible. ********** [085046:112806] S.H., Lynn, MA Please spend 1 hour on the internet researching the facts of 911. This son of a bitch liar, knew and did nothing, then fabricated WMD's to go to war. Please help get this bastard out of office ********** [233741:112306] S.R., Independence, MO The President is where the buck stops. He initicated the run into Iraq and we now know that the intelligence was screened and picked by the Prez and V Prez. They consciously lied and guided the nation into war with a country that had not taken part in the attack on the US. These people need to be impeached for crimes against humanity. They are the most reprehensible group of criminals that the world has ever known. ********** [051248:111906] R.S., Black River, MI Dear Senators and Congressmen: U.S. District Court Judge Anna Taylor struck down the warrantless surveillance program saying it violated the rights to Free Speech and Privacy as well as the Separation of Powers enshrined in the Constitution. While the ruling was immediately appealed by the Bush Administration which wants no restrictions on it's right to act as King of the United States, this is the first time for Federal support. I urge you to make sure that no law be passed to override the eventual decision of any Court on this Wireless, Warrantless Surveillance Program! Already there are bills that would allow the program to go forward with the most coursory of inspection. These are bills designed to allow the Bush Administration to continue for 2 1/2 more years of King-like powers without the restriction of any Congressional Oversight. This is an Impeachable offense and we must not let that happen! Thank-you. ********** [121747:111706] t.f., Tucson, AZ we are not asking for retributtion or revenge. we are asking for truth and justice. there should be investigations so we know the truth. then there should be accountabbility. are you saying that if Bush broke the law, lied to congress and the American people, committed war crimes, covered up fraud and abuse that he should not even be investigated? and impeached if he is guilty? what are you saying. that a president is above the law? is that what you want America to stand for? come on. that is not America. that is not right or just. if we aren't going to investigate our public officials and hold them accountable than what what is the point of democracy? why even vote? how are we different from other countries where the rule of law doesn't exist. if we want to protect America and what it stands for. to protect our constitution and our laws then their must be investigations, and yes, if the evidence warrants it, then impeachment. to do less is un-American and a betrayal of our ideals and principles. ********** [150816:110806] v.m., Macomb, MO my main concern is adult and, children's medciad program in the state of missouri. people have a hard time getting there prescriptions with co-pays you cant affordd ********** [144531:110806] v.m., Macomb, MO my main concern is medical treatment with children. and, older people medicade programs! my grandma has a hard time getting her medicine this is because of bush! ********** [070851:110806] C.S., Prairie Grove, AR The President and Vice President have assumed that their position is to as they please. They will do anything for their gain. It's time for our Congress to rein them in and take away the power they assume they have and make them answer to the people. The arragance of this entire administration is frightening. ********** [114839:110306] J.P., Maryland Heights, MO Bush makes desicions that puts our whole country at risk for elimination. It is time that we stand up to him and protect our selves. I would rather be a country with no leader than to be led by an illiterate terrorist! ********** [211111:110106] L.B., Bellevue, WA We have a criminal President. He has engaged in illegal warfare, and lied to Congress and The People about reasons for starting the war in Iraq. There is no end to this war in sight, and the expense of this travesty is bleeding our country dry. Our President has condoned the use of torture and illegal wiretapping of American citizens. He has signed over 850 'signing statements' stating that the laws passed by Congress do not apply to the President. He has destroyed Habeus Corpus, the foundation of law in Western Civilization. He has corrupted the Constitution, and grabbed power for the Executive branch. President Bush has broken his oath to protect and preserve the Constitution and the laws within it. Congress has failed to stand up to the President, and has not balanced the power of the Executive branch of government. Congress has not provided oversight. Our Representatives in Congress have failed to uphold their oaths to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States, and the Laws within it. The choice is obvious. If Americans wish to enjoy a system of government based on Laws spelled out under the Constitution, then we have to mobilize ourselves to restore Constitutional Law in this country. We cannot tolerate a President who is above the Law, and a Congress that won't impose any limits on his abuse of powers. We, the citizens of these United States, must restore and protect our Constitution ourselves. The Constitution is not a partisan document. Americans of every political persuasion must join together to save the most enlightened legal document on this planet. It is time for the American People to roll up their sleeves, and work together to clean up the White House themselves and restore our precious Constitution. Our powers to limit government abuse are spelled out in the Constitution. We must impeach, impeach and again impeach. Rooting out government corruption and lawlessness is an excellent beginning to a new era of participatory democracy. Impeachment is for Patriots. I'm sure Thomas Jefferson would agree. Sincerely, Linda Boyd ********** [145535:110106] r.s., Santa Cruz, CA Bush is NOT king of the United States. He needs to be impeached as soon as possible. ********** [205217:103106] D.P., Albuquerque, NM Bush and Cheney have commited crimes. Justice needs to be served. This country is about THE PEOPLE ruling and not tyrants. Impeach these criminals in the white house! ********** [205947:102806] s.c., Las Vegas, NV bush is one of the worst things to happen to this country he cares so much about not looking scared to the terroritsts yet look at all these teenagers dying in iraq to defend this country i am sad to say that i am ashamed to call him our president. It makes me sick that he can sit there in his chair and watch this country founded on the backs of soldiers!! My dad was in vietnam and it makes me sick that the vets have no respect like that war never happend ********** [064737:102806] J.W., Iowa City, IA Mr. Bush, who is not worthy of being called Mr. President, is wreckless and dangerous. He is an insult to our country and has made a mockery of democracy. He is not "The Decider" he belives, but a man of ingnorance and of his own private agenda. He does not care about the American people, nor do I believe he care about America. It's all simple economics, greed is his motivation and American lives are the cost. ********** [161846:102406] M.C., Essex Junction, VT I will not take part in Impeaching President Bush, there are still some smart people in Vermont. I have heard enough trash in the last few months. Go Republicans/////////// ********** |