Action pnum416 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Call for an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon ********** [034418:071906] c.H., Macon, GA we need to stop this now and talk peace and living together this world is so full of hate,since GW Bush has been in office, Nothing good comes from hate as a Christain he should know that! STOP THIS KILLING ! IRAQ TOO! ********** [125407:090706] K.R., San Rafael, CA Call for an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon! Please, before Bush gets us all killed! ********** [082549:081906] J.P., Clearwater, FL This administration has provoked much hatred from much of the rest of the world understandably so, by acts of hostility and violence for false reasons. Bush is the worst president we ever had, he completely ruined America's reputation. Stop it. ********** [011952:081406] J.M., Youngstown, OH Former CIA Director James Woolsey just said this about the crisis in Lebanon: "The last thing we ought to do is start talking about cease-fires and the rest." ********** [121930:081306] M.C., Satellite Beach, FL It is not possible to solve a problem at the level of the problem. Please use reason and compassion in attempting to stop this violence which is taking over our world. ********** [012208:081206] F.G., Hialeah, FL THE ISRAELI ATTACK ON LEBANON HAS GONE BEHOND THE POINT THAT OF WAS REALLY NEERED IN ORDER FOR ISRAEL TO BE SAFE . ********** [181902:081106] J.M., Elgin, IL THE KISS OF DEATH The war in the Middle East has reached worldly existential proportions. Devoid of self awareness and compassion towards the suffering in this country and abroad our president continues violating the Constitution "We the People" have believed in for generations. The majority of American Citizens are against the war while the media reports increases in violence from Kasdim to the "Promised Land" each day. Which_. Therefore, it comes as no surprise Ned Lamont, antiwar, won against pro-war Bush-supporter Joe Lieberman in the Connecticut Democratic Primary. In fact voter turnout for this election was up by about 18%, that probably shouldn't come as a surprise either considering the severe lack of faith and trust people have in our current government. Which religions_. This should be a wake up call to other politicians but I surely won't be surprised if the wife of impeached president Clinton maintains her commitment to the Iraq war. Which religions preach_. Senator Obama remains steadfast in his opposition to impeaching president Bush bragging he can get this country back on the right track. In his last form letter to me dated August 7, 2006, he wrote: "Dear Joseph: Thank you for advising me of your displeasure with President Bush. I appreciate hearing from you and understand your concerns and mounting frustration. I fully appreciate and share your strong disagreement with many of the Administration's policies and actions. There is no question that throughout his presidency President Bush has pushed the envelope in promoting his policies and programs_ Challenges like the war in Iraq and the Gulf Coast tragedy only exacerbate the sense of frustration and ineffectiveness of those of us who are concerned about the priorities and judgment of this Administration_ Our ultimate objective should always be to get this country back on the right track. While that challenge may seem more daunting as the days pass, I am confident that we can meet it." Which religions preach GOD_. Now I turn to Representative John Conyers, who has not publicly declared aspirations for the office of Commander and Chief, to my knowledge. Which religions preach GOD is_. At the direction of Representative Conyers the minority report, and as the title describes, is about "The Constitution in Crisis: The Downing Street Minutes and Deception, Manipulation, Torture, Retribution, and Cover-ups in the Iraq War, and Illegal Domestic Surveillance". Which religions preach GOD is war? I will not be surprised, however, when some people forget the stand politicians took for the war and against the Constitution in upcoming elections. "I want to say one other challenge that we face is simply that we must find an alternative to war and bloodshed. Anyone who feels, and there are still a lot of people who feel that way, that war can solve the social problems facing mankind is sleeping through a great revolution. President Kennedy said on one occasion, "Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind." The world must hear this. I pray God that America will hear this before it is too late, because today we're fighting a war." --Martin Luther King Jr., 4 days before he was assassinated. ********** [064044:081106] S.D., Eden Prairie, MN Please support a "Call for an immediate cease-fire" by both Isreal and Lebanon. It is a terrible thing that so many people are dying. The least we can do is to publicly say that we do not approve! ********** [130212:081006] l.a., West Townsend, MA this illegal and immoral invasion of a free democratic country, lebanon by israel is as shameful, illogical, and doomed to defeat just as our foolhardy, illegal and immoral invasion of iraq has proved to be. they can no more occupy and control an angry indigenous population in a guerilla war than we can. the only solution is for the american people to demand an end to this cruel and idiotic behaviour by israel and our government. the international community has to produce a quick end to the violence and install permanent international peacekeepers to control the violence. killing old men old women and children and then bragging about body counts is reminiscent of our immediate past. end the violence now. ********** [125157:080906] E.H., Spokane, WA Why won't Israel and Lebanon join in a cease-fire? We need negotiations between the two countries, not an escalation of killing on the part of both sides. Both countries must come to the table and stop the bombing of each other! Innocent people are dying and so many now are homeless. ********** [110734:080906] A.M., Fair Lawn, NJ If our country does not stand for peace and justice, it stands for nothing. The current administration, diplomatically maladept as it is, has a responsibility to help stop the violence in Lebanon. To do nothing is to sanction wanton bloodshed and subjugation as a way to peace. How cynical. Is this what the pro-life/pro-values brigade really believes in? It is time to tell Congress that we are opposed to slaughter. The end does not justify the means. Congressman Dennis Kucinich's H.Con.Res. 450 is a rational response to the killing. It calls for an immediate cease-fire. This is the only decent position for a citizen who truly cares about life to take. ********** [183845:080806] m.g., Alexandria, VA There should be an immediate cease-fire of the war in Lebanon and We need to withdraw our troops from Iraq as soon as posible. It's the only way to stop the killing of innocents. ********** [213720:080706] R.D., Naalehu, HI Imagine if the British bombed Ireland because of an act of the IRA ! ********** [144729:080506] e.v., East Cleveland, OH I believe it's time to stop the slaughtering of humans,israel and america has done enough damage,to many woman and children have died for nothing,shame on us for not enforcing a cease fire.I DEMAND for a cease fire now!!!!!!!!!!! ********** [022037:080506] B.K., Worcester, MA We MUST call for a cease-fire in Lebanon before Bush and co. get the chance to take us all the way to nuclear war (which I'm sure he would, he's just *that* reckless! - and un- unscrupulous...). Israel and Hezbollah must also be made to back down to mutual cease-fires (not that I have any great faith that Hezbollah will honor their oath if they give it...), but I agree there must be an international team of peacekepers and mediators on the ground, although they must NOT blame Israel for trying to defend herself against terrorist organiza- tions and nations trying to wipe her off the map (out of no-thing less than virulent hatred and envy, I might add - origin- ally taught by Hitler, incidentally. ) Ohhhhhh, you didn't know Arafat was a buddy of Hitler? GEE, what a surprise!! ********** [224243:080306] V.O., Riverside, CA Please call for an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon. There is no excuse to allow hundreds of people to die, nor to allow a whole country to be destroyed in this sick violence. ********** [082415:080306] K.K., Seattle, WA Imagine if the British bombed all of Ireland because of an act of the IRA! ********** [042841:080306] R.S., Saint Louis, MO Lebanon and Israel conflict is a similar comparison to the start of World War 1 unfortunately if there is not an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon than the start of World War 3 will surely happen. We can all sit back and watch this happen, but the right action is to get involve by calling your congressman at the toll free number in Washington 888-355-3588 or 800-828-0498 and ask to speak to your senator and house representative by name and they will put you right through. Demand an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon in support of H. Con. Res. (Kunicich) which calls upon the President: appeal to all sides in the current crises in the Middle East for immediate cessation of violence, commit United States diplomats to multi-party negotiations with no preconditions; and send a high level diplomatic mission to the region to facilitate this multi-party negotiations to begin as soon as possible, including deligations of the Palestian Authority, Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Jordan and Egypt. ********** [124642:080206] C.J., Oakland, CA Do all that can be done to bring both sides to the negotiating table and work for a peaceful agreement for Israel and Lebanon and the Palestinians everywhere to have their legal staus within appropriate borders and to put their resources into building their infrastructures for the well being of their people and the world. We should stop the daily billions of dollars sent to Israel. We should stop our own nuclear buildup. I would like to see a more secure future for our children and grandchildren of the world. Sincerely, Carolina Juarez ********** [215524:080106] J.V., Rock Springs, WY Good day. I am writing asking that you support the cease fire in the Middle East. The beauty of being from Wyoming is that there is a fairly homogonous constituency that is largely absent of Jewish influence (i/e money and re-election votes), allowing you to stand up for what is right and just. What is happening in Lebanon is truly barbaric, period. How many more innocent people must die? 300 is not enough? How long is this going to last? How many more billions of dollars are we going to send to a country the size of New Jersey that is basically funding the chaos that we are now seeing? Wyoming is not a backwards state, and one could say that we have some of the best people in the nation. We wouldn't wish this kind of terror on anyone. Please set the example and show the nation that we do the right thing and act based on our hearts and souls, not our wallets. Thank you. ********** [205843:080106] M.D., Oxford, CT Support a cease-fire! Stop the current genocide and do everything you can to prevent a Nuclear warfare disaster. The only way to stop the chain reaction from occuring is to try every possible diplomatic solution! ********** [195138:080106] s.w., Chimayo, NM Please call for an immediate cease-fire in Lebanon. Anything short of this is a massacre. ********** [124430:080106] B.C., Watertown, MA Please call for an immediate cease-fire! Innocent people are dying, the problems are not being solved, and the world is getting closer to a nuclear world war!!!!! ********** [105915:080106] M.K., Cornelius, NC AMERICA HAS BOUGHT OURSELVES A BULLY (ISRAEL) AND IN TURN THE REST OF THE WORLD HATES US. I RESENT MY TAX DOLLARS GOING TO THE MURDROUS REGIME IN ISRAEL. DO THE PALESTINIANS AND LEBANONESE HAVE THE SAME RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES?? THEY DO NOT HAVE THE BILLIONS OF AMERICANS TAX DOLLARS AND THE BOMBS AND TANKS THAT ALLOW ISRAEL TO ACT LIKE THE BULLY THEY ARE. ISRAEL WOULD HAVE MADE PEACE WITH IT'S NEIGHBORS HAD IT NOT FOR THE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS THAT ALLOW THEM TO BULLY AND MURDER INNOCENT WOMEN AND CHILDREN. I RESENT MY TAX DOLLARS GOING TO SUPPORT ILLEGAL WALLS AND ILLEGAL SETTLEMENTS. I RESENT AIPAC AND THE REST OF THE ZIONIST GROUPS THAT HAVE HIJACKED OUR FOREIGN POLICY. ********** [104713:080106] S.C., San Diego, CA Israel's attack on civilians, especially children, in south Lebanon, is one of the most atrocious and inhuman abuse of power in the world today. I oppose any government that supports and condones this unfair and unequal war which only results in the death of civilians who have had no connection with the hostilities. ********** |