Action pnum536 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Stop The Planned First Strike Attack On Iran ********** [053404:101006] J.S., Madison, WI There is absolutely no excuse, given the outcome of our existing preemptive wars, to consider a preemptive attack on Iran. This is not the way the leader of the free world behaves. It is wrong and it must be stopped. ********** [040704:120206] J.F., San Francisco, CA I am a constituent and I congratulate you on your stunning victory on Tuesday. In all of the talk about the Democratic agenda, I heard many good ideas, but I did not hear a single word about restoring our Constitution and the Bill of Rights to its rightful place, and overturning the "police state" legislation enacted into law by the Republican Congress that threatens the very existence of our democracy. I can assure you that many independent voters turned to the Democratic Party on the assumption that a Democratic Congress would restore all civil liberties that have been lost in the last six years of one-party rule. We, the undersigned constituents, respectfully request that you address the following issues in the first month of the new Congress to restore America's democratic system of government: 1 Habeas Corpus Amend the Military Commissions Act to restore habeas corpus rights to all persons, including Americans, NOT subject to the discretion of the Executive Branch. 2 Control of The National Guard. Amend John Warner's Defense Authorization Act of 2007 to restore control of National Guard troops to the state governors. 3 Freedom to travel into and out of the United States. Draft legislation denying the Department of Homeland Security the right to impede any American holding a valid US passport from entering or exiting the United States at their will or from the necessity of obtaining DHS approval to enter or exit the United States. The proposed ruling by DHS to take effect in January 2007 would effectively make Americans prisoners in their own country. 4 Wiretapping Draft legislation outlawing the wiretapping of or spying on American citizens under any circumstances without a FISA warrant. 5 Freedom of Speech Draft legislation abolishing the so-called "free speech zones" that deny Americans their constitutional right to peaceful protest. 6 Free the Internet Draft legislation that retains free and open access to all sites on the internet, unimpeded by forced payments. Keep the internet free and open. 7 No Immunity from Prosecution for members of the Executive Branch. Amend the Military Commissions Act to deny the Executive Branch exemption from prosecution for Crimes against Humanity and violations of the Geneva Conventions, and Impeachable Offenses committed in the lead up to the Iraq War. 8 Detention Camps Draft legislation ordering Kellog, Brown and Root to cease and desist from the construction of detention camps everywhere in the United States. Draft legislation making it a Federal offense to deny any American the right to peaceful protest, or to impede any American from so doing. 9 Federally funded Elections Draft legislation to federally fund all national elections, thereby disempowering PACS and K Street lobbyists and returning accountability to Congress . 10 Gerrymandering Draft legislation to end gerrymandering nationwide. Upon the next census, create an independent and impartial panel to create voting districts based on a non-partisan and geographic determination. 11 The Patriot Acts I and II Repeal all clauses in these ill-conceived bills that infringe upon the constitutional rights of American citizens. 12 Outlaw Torture. Amend provisions in the existing bill to enumerate and specify all practices to be deemed as torture, including "waterboarding". Specify that these provisions are not subject to review or interpretation by the Executive Branch as may be expressed in signing statements. 13 Signing Statements . Notify President Bush and Vice-President Cheney that Signing Statements have no legal basis and will not be honored. Violations by the Executive Branch of laws passed by Congress will be deemed unconstitutional and will result in impeachment proceedings. We, the undersigned call upon all Democratic Party Congresspersons and Senators to defend the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights by addressing the above issues. ********** [110507:111306] J.S., San Francisco, CA The only way to resolve this problem is through negotiation. ********** [145551:110106] M.M., Vashon, WA I am worried that the Bush administration intends to launch an unprovoked carpet bomb attack on the sovereign nation of Iran? If this is true, what will you do to stop this act of aggression by the United States? We can not let these criminal acts go unchallenged! ********** [084407:102406] E.Z., Newport, NH Attacking Iran is just not an acceptable option, especially if it's done solely for the purpose of influencing the U.S. mid-term election! Please help to stop the madness! ********** [221234:102206] S.B., Bellevue, WA The Bush regime are obviously aiming to attack Iran before they have to give up the WHite House, to fulfill the neocon dream. Please do all you can to raise awareness of this issue and nip it in the bud before an Iran war makes Iraq look like a walk in the park. ********** [211422:102206] R.L., San Francisco, CA Let's not let fear govern our sensiblities and cause us to do insane and irreversible acts of aggresion against others. We need to learn how to see ourselves as part of the problem and create just solutions not engage in our "dominate and control" based behavior.Stay away from Iran and Get us out of Iraq as quickly as possible. ********** [210212:102106] g.a., Mission Viejo, CA i am an iranian american. iranians are opressed and impoverished by the islamic republic of iran verbaly abd financialy support human rights. we will not win with bombs ********** [055121:102006] D.S., Chester, IL Dear Congressman Costello, I see the Democrats winning by a landslide in upcoming fall elections. However, there is a matter that requires the immediate attention of the entire Democratic party. Tell The DNC To WAKE UP And Immediately Seek An Injunction To Reverse The Purge Of Democratic Voters In Ohio, because if not Senator, the Democrats are going to suffer another loss and all the contributions in the world are not going to solve that if the DNC does not get off its duff and start fighting instead of remaining silent on the whole matter. Karl Rove made a statement just days ago that the Republicans will not loose either house. Bold words coming from a party that is so far behind they cannot win a fair election. You had to know this was coming. The further they fall in the polls the more massive the voter fraud and preemptive vote suppression the other side will attempt. The key word here is "attempt". We're not supposed to let them get away with it without a fight. That fight must start NOW! The common consensus seems to be, wait till after the elections. . . by then, it will be too late and our party will once again be defeated by the same illegal vote tampering as before. The USS Eisenhower is on its way, and George Bush is poised ,as we speak, to start a war with Iraq in an attempt to influence upcoming elections. The theme will be, either you are for republicans, or you or for terrorism. Congressman, where is the outcry from the Democratic party, and why is the Democratic party being quiet about what is going on? I and countless others are getting fed up with the way the DNC is letting the American Voting Citizens down. In closing, Congressman, if George Bush is allowed to get away with stealing yet another election, I and many others are going to hold you and every other member of the DNC accountable for dereliction of duty during a critical time requiring Dnc action. Sincerely, Darryl Kent Springston ********** [084412:101906] R.K., Grandville, MI The American people need reassurance that this government is NOT going to strike Iran without the full support and recommendation from Congress. Please, this is very scary and we need to know what is happening and what you are doing on our behalf. Thank YOu ********** [202538:101806] J.d., Silver City, NM Please do everything you can to stop the imminent attack on Iran. This would be another crime against humanity, and in addition would put America's position as a world leader in jeopardy, not to mention harming our financial interests abroad. ********** [200924:101806] B.C., Inglewood, CA No more first strike imperialist invasions of another country that did not commit any acts of war against us! Invasion of Iran is not only immoral and illegal but is sure to spark the beginning of the end of the American republic if indeed that milestone has not already been passed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq! ********** [160428:101806] F.R., Hampton, FL My question to the Bush Administration: When will you stop being the most notorious terrorist regime? Look at the utter destruction of Iraq, the senseless killings of innocent civilians, and sending our own honorable men and women to either death or irreversible maimings -- and all these definitely NOT for Iraqi democracy or U.S. national security! The U.S. government should get out of the Middle East and stop bullying the world. I agree with other countries that see the U.S. as the greatest nuclear threat to the world --it is a fact. ********** [132849:101806] I.H., Phoenix, AZ We have already allowed Bush and his cronies to make a mess of the Iraq situation, are we going to allow him to repeat the same thing with Iran? When will it stop?! Iraq, Iran, and North Korea are already on our hit list. Who will be next? Every year, the list gets longer. Don't you see a pattern here? Meanwhile, the rest of the globe, quite literally, has lost all respect for our nation. Does this fact concern anybody else but me? No more war!!! The one we're in hasn't worked so far and if anyone believes Bush when he says we ARE winning the war is a fool like him. One more time, NO MORE WAR!!!!! ********** [123104:101706] A.M., Auburn, IN Please don't let the administration screw up foreign policy with Iran, beyond all hope. I have NO CONFIDENCE that they can do the right thing, internationally, and nearly 99.9% of the people I know feel the same way. I foresee that history will not look kindly on those who support such insane actions. ********** [120835:101706] S.C., Staten Island, NY We must not, for the sake of our homeland security and civil rights and freedoms, be kept in a constant state of war. I oppose any military action against the country of Iran. ********** [155827:101606] C.E., El Segundo, CA The regime change should begin here--IMPEACH BUSH AND HIS CRIMINAL CRONIES IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!! They are a threat to world stability and peace and these a--holes don't give a damn how problematic the outcome will be with Iran; Impeach them now!!! ********** [155402:101606] F.F., Jackson, MI There is no doubt Bush wants Americans to be Arab bashing war dogs. The Administration and his self have no true concept of a peaceful resolution. I mean come on now, there is more terrorist because of Bush's insanity these day's then ever before. The whole problem began from involvement of our governments wrong doings in the Mideast to begin with. If we attack Iran it's easy to see where more Arab Nations will terrorize Americans and American interest every where in the world. I think it makes for a sad day when Bush and his cohorts think they no what's best for Americans. There all a bunch of cowards that dodge war during the days of the draft. Bush must go; his outhouse movements are bad for the White House the whole place is a stinking mess. PEWIEE ********** [154703:101606] M.H., San Francisco, CA The president or a small cabal of his followers does not have the right to declare war on any nation without the approval of Congress. Pre-emptive war is a criminal act which will cost our country more lives, more costs and loss of international respect. ********** [140235:101606] L.H., Greenacres, WA We don't need World War 3---or another unethical war, this time in Iran! ********** [124219:101606] T.K., Coeur D Alene, ID Well as the elections near and the numbers look ever bleaker for the status quo in the halls of liberty, what will this ever inept administration come up with to rally the troops, get the flags flying high over our gas guzzlers and whip the citizenry up into a new found frenzied furver for blood? I know - how about plant the seeds of hatred and fear over Iran! Yes - the fleet is sailing, the plans are being hatched and the King's insanity will prevail once more, if we don't wake up and vote them out come Novermber. However - if you don't call your elected officials, to insist on diplomatic strategies in Iran, a new war will be unleashed prior to elections - and it won't have anything to do with oil-poor N. Korea. ********** [115844:101606] E.M., Seattle, WA It is so obvious to everyone what the Bush administration has been planning. We saw this coming years ago. This is complete madness. Please, put an end to this now! Stop the planned attack on Iran! ********** [111911:101606] J.S., San Francisco, CA This incompetence and insanity must be stopped before the whole world is plunged into war. ********** [094812:101606] a.z., Saint Louis, MO We do not need another war. The current two wars are going so badly due to a failure of strategy. So I guess the administration is going to try another shot at it without solving the problems with the first two. Seems typical and shows they haven't a clue as to what their doing! By attacking Iran gas prices will soar astronomically. The Middle East will be such a mess that every country will be against us for causing a global economic collapse. Is this the kind of foreign policy we need? I don't think so and neither do the majority of Americans. ********** [071102:101606] L.C., Canton, MA Enough is enough! We are making more and more enemies and killing so many innocent people. Where is the humanity? Liza Colburn ********** |