Action pnum538 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Stop Bush From Starting Another War In Iran Now ********** [173328:120506] M.J., Port Charlotte, FL Stop making wars and make war on poverty, disease, ignorance. ********** [193829:102506] J.H., San Diego, CA America is suffering enough in the Middle East. Another war is unmerited, undesirable and unthinkable. We should NOT go to war with Iran. ********** [154653:102506] M.P., Rocklin, CA This administration, fraudulently positioned in our White House, has caused NOTHING but death and destruction, in the U.S. and around the world.(Katrina, Iraq etc.) The author Lou Dubose a fomer writer for the Texas Observer has written a book named 'Vice'. In it he states that three years ago after our 'successful' invasion of Afganistan, and our eminent invasion of Iraq, the Iranians were ready to negotiate with 'our govenment'. They were afraid of what would happen to their country, and were ready to speak about anything we required of them, about their armaments etc. Dick Cheney killed the negotiations. He had been, along with our energy task force ,in secret meetings pouring over maps of oil fields in Iraq, even though the Iraqi oil was embargoed. He and the rest of these profiteers were scheming. We need to stop the bloodshed, blood for OIL??? A person dies every three minutes in this horrible invasion by us, the former protector of the world, the United States. People must wake up, they must see how this government has destabilized the world. And destroyed our infrastructure spending over two BILLION a week in Iraq.... how could this money have been used in this country... Education? Health care? Security at our Ports? Alternative Energy? No more blood, no more invasions. Michele Pascoe ********** [014129:102506] J.K., Millerton, PA No October surprise. In the event that this administration launches a strike against Iran, likely using another false flag operation like 911 as a pretext, I expect you to hold them to account. It is time to expose and prosecute everyone responsible for making Americans unwitting accomplices to crimes against humanity. ********** [083141:102406] E.Z., Newport, NH The real "axis of evil" is in Washington,D.C. They need to be stopped from staging another "9/11" to justify another war, (or two?),in order to retain control of Congress. ********** [191136:102306] B.V., San Francisco, CA No war, especially not to divert our attention from Foley! ********** [125042:102306] C.E., El Segundo, CA If Bush can't be impeached for his lies, crimes and misdemeanors, in which he should, then I'll settle for a censureship of this tyrant in the White House for the remainder of his tunure! Make him powerless and toothless!! ********** [202804:102206] c.m., Philadelphia, PA we are not barbarians...we do not have to wave our clubs everytime there is someone in the world we dont' like...or agree with...what would Jesus do...certainly HE would talk, talk talk..... ********** [201948:102106] E.L., Tehachapi, CA I do not belong to the Democratic Party. I strongly believe it is time for a change. I want to see the current administration out of Washington, our men and women home from Iraq, and the restoration of our democartic system. We can make a difference by voicing our views and taking a stand against the destructive policies our our present administration in the White House. War should be the last resort taken only if we are attacked at home as in the Talliban/Al Qaida attack of 9/11. No, to attacking any other nation. At home we have been misled, lied to, misinformed and our concerns ignored. Please tell the President of our Great Nation that we will not accept the betrayal of trust which we placed in his hands. Bring our sons and daughters home, restore trust and faith in our democratic system of government and work with the governments of the nations of the world to recapture the spirit of cooperations and reciprocity for the sake of peace and mutual defense. ********** [191423:102106] R.H., Santa Margarita, CA Folks: The phrase "Ugly American" has validity, now, thanks to you and your GOP Administration. Most of the world looks at us that way, today. " Your Democracy" doesn't, even resemble the one I remember (79 yrs). Whose God do you PRAY to that thinks it's OK for us to do such inhumane things to other humans in HIS name ? Well, I pray, too, and I'm praying that you WILL NOT start another war (with Iran) spreading your "TYPE of DEMOCRACY" disabled by breaking our Constitution with your new laws" which, by the way, could come back to haunt you when you finish your term in office. ********** [190319:102106] E.L., Bullhead City, AZ The last thing that we need right now is another war. If Bush attacks Iran, as is reportedly his plan, to ensure that the Republicans win in Nov, the world will know for sure that we have a crazy man at the helm and that we will no longer be a super-power, we will have squandered our military, our money and our goodwill to the point of no return. China will own us in a few years since they are financing our wars and we will no longer be a free nation. ********** [152723:102106] J.P., Fairmont, MN Iran has done nothing to us. PLEASE do not support a war on them. Thanks. ********** [135713:102106] s.M., Rodeo, NM Please do not let Bush start another war with Iran or anyone else. There is no reason to do that and we are overstretched in Iran as it is. Thank You Scottie McKasson ********** [124931:102106] D.B., Leesburg, FL Please stop this insane despot from starting another failed war! Are there any people still in Washington with a soul? ********** [061823:102106] P.M., Merrimac, MA As the parent of a soldier who has served with honor in Iraq, I feel strongly that we can't possibly get involved in another war! This is ridiculous, and truly frightening. ********** [061514:102106] W.R., Everett, WA The beginnings of world domination were what Hitler and the Nazis were attempting to achieve, and it becomes clear that the Bush family (and administration) is well on its way towards that same goal! What happened with the Nazis needs to be made a lesson learned and not just another mistake in a series! We must do all we are capable of doing to prevent such a travesty of trickery of a country by its leaders (like Germany) from going any further and starting again (like America). Let us hope it can be achieved in a civilized manner, through these legal channels, instead of the uncivilized alternative that history has shown the peoples of several other countries had been forced to take, sadly, when the government doesn't then the people must. ********** [214008:102006] L.R., Hammond, LA We have no right whatsoever to attack Iran. It's bad enough that the Cheney/Rove regime (dictatorship) has already launched one war of aggression against Iraq (one might make a reasonable argument that the invasion of Afganastan was justified) and thus revived the Nazi doctrine of preventive war. By the law of cause and effect we are suffering and suffer much more for our aggression on Iraq. As you know, the Bill of Rights was largely abrogated by the so-called PATRIOT Act. Now with the abolition of the right of Habeus Corpus, the Bill of Rights no longer provides any protection at all against abritrary search, seizure arrest and indefinite detention. It is unnecessary war that tyrants have allways most effectively used to impose their despotism upon the people of the nation in question. I strongly believe the Republic (what little is left of it) will not withstand yet another usurption of the people's sovreignty of such magnitude. If such another illegal and immoral act of aggression occurs then perhaps some day your grand children will ask you: "How was the Republic destroyed?" Are you willing to have to tell them (if you are honest) "I went along with it"? ********** [210143:102006] J.C., Morro Bay, CA I've said it before and I'll say it again. What is war good for? The answer of course, is absolutely nothing! After the disaster that was and is Afghanistan and Iraq, does Mr. Bush honestly think anything will be gained from an attack on Iran? The answer is: no. Nothing will be gained except more dead bodies and a continually soaring national debt. The Mark Foley scandal must not be allowed to be swept under the rugs! This matter needs to be kept on the front pages until the ones responsible for trying to keep it under wraps pay for their heinous crimes! Enough is enough! It's time for a positive change in America! ********** [185547:102006] R.B., Seattle, WA Attacking Iran is beyond insane--it's really, really insane. God save us from the evil that has taken over the US government. God save us! ********** [171142:102006] J.S., Elkhart Lake, WI The Bush administration has destroyed the American political democracy, our civil rights and the rule of law, and created an American fascist military/police state. ********** [163832:102006] H.K., Dallas, TX Congress has not approved an attack on Iran. If the occupation of Iraq is to be of any help in stopping the bloody civil war destroying so many lives in that hell-on-earth the US created, Bush must add another hundred thousand soldiers. We can't afford to bomb Iran when we are losing so many men and women in the occupations of Afghanistan and Iraq. We have yet to catch or stop Osama -- how can anyone in the Administration or the Department of Defense be seriously contemplating maK.war on another country we only imagine might be able to hurt us in 2016! ********** [130032:102006] j.r., Tampa, FL You must stop this warmongering administration!!!!!!!!!Bush and Cheney are both crazy just like Hitler was. ********** [103319:102006] A.M., Auburn, IN Attacks against Iran would be disastrous. One need only to look at what happened with Iraq, which is a much weaker country, to see a glimpse of a future of never-ending war. The people of this country will never forgive such actions. ********** [092555:102006] L.J., Tulsa, OK I'm one of your constituents, and this is an important issue to me. Please listen and consider me when you make decisions on this issue. ********** [231648:101906] S.A., Santa Cruz, CA Ther is no sane justification for launching a pre-emptive attack on Iran. How can the Republicans stoop this low just to keep their power? They are a frightening group and must be stopped before we are faced with World War III and the end of the world. as we know it ********** |