Action pnum563 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Impeach Bush and Cheney Now ********** [154921:111108] W.K., Las Cruces, NM We all know bushes sisnister laundry list. But THE one issue should be that if bu$h does not FREE the two borderpatrolman, Ramos and Compeon by 1/20, then it IS OFFICIAL, that bu$h IS THE WORST president EVER!! ********** [124958:050207] S.P., Clark, NJ Stop the war, stop the insanity, stop the lies. I'm embarrased by this President and VP. We need to restore the Constitution. Bring back habeus corpus. Restore our good name, which has been tarnished, to the world. There were no terrorists in Iraq to go to war AGAINST, except ones the Bush and Cheney themselves elevated by their reckless occupation. And continuing the occupation there will just breed two more local insurgents for every one they pick off in a photo-op bombing. It's time for Congress to fufill the promise of the November elections to stop the war in Iraq. ********** [175048:031507] M.W., Los Angeles, CA AMERICA can not afford to wait till 2008. Impeach Bush/Cheney NOW! ********** [233338:022707] D.G., Guerneville, CA The People have spoken. The pRESIDENT and his lackeys have attempted, and partly succeeded, in deceiving some of us. Their actions have put ALL of us at relatively greater risk to terrorism, some of it coming from their own stations. The Iraqi invasion is immoral, unjustified, and ILLEGAL. The executive branch is claiming powers not approved by the Rule of Law, and living in a fantasy of building a more efficient means of robbing the earth of its health and resources. The Articles of Impeachment are our last line of defense against this kind of tyranny. Please consider the wishes of your constituents before dismissing this action as "Politically Imprudent." ********** [163746:022007] R.H., Rockford, IL The Administration must be held accountable for the deaths of 4000 to 6000 civilians in Falujah due to orders given to our troops. This was a clear violation of the Geneva Conventions, and thus an impeachable offense. ********** [101020:020307] D.B., Baton Rouge, LA There were no terrorists in Iraq to go to war AGAINST, except ones the Bush and Cheney themselves elevated by their reckless occupation. And continuing the occupation there will just breed two more local insurgents for every one they pick off in a photo-op bombing. Bush and Cheney must be impeached abnd removed from office. They have proven many times that they are in the whitehouse to make money for the oil companies and for the military hardware companies who gave the biggest contributions to Bush's campaign. The impeachment would be very good for the United States and for the rest of the world. ********** [212537:020207] .m., Villanova, PA after watching the march on washington on tv because i had to fly to bowman, north dakota to preach that weekend, i have become more convinced that preemptive war against iraq started by president bush and vice president cheney have made them candidates for war crimes by the world court and definitely impeachable by our goverrnment... no one should avoid the growing evidence... this congress should act on it immediately.., ********** [090933:012707] B.D., Minneapolis, MN Bush and Cheney have not been honest with the American people and he have not acted according to our wishes or according to the best interests of the American people or of the world. They have already created an incredible amount of destruction (killing Americans and Iraqis, destroying our economy, destroying our international reputation, etc). If they are allowed to continue that will show that we really no longer have a country free enough to defend ITSELF against bad leaders. And, they will continue to cause more damage. ********** [145829:121306] T.P., Minneapolis, MN War President? My Pet Goat. Have a nice global corporate holocaust. ********** [140436:011907] T.C., Stanton, KY You can not fool the american people all the time! Iran is next, using the pretext that the Iranians are behind the killing of Americn solders. Would one single american solder have to die if we did not invade them, are they better off now? ********** [094811:011507] h.w., Huntsville, TX The actions of our government no longer represent the people of this country. The administration has no regard for truth or the constitution. I call on the citizens of the Unitied States to impeach the president and vice president. ********** [163128:010707] J.M., Canton, MI Mr. Bush should be Impeached as well as Chaney for one an illegal war, war against humanitity, ever one of his lies to us the american people, for turning his back on what Hurricane Katrina had done to NO. His crimes of stealing two elections for making it so difficult for The public to vote. Ethnis cleansing in Nre Orleans I could go on and on. He should be impeached and chaney too neither of them will ever do the right thing such as resign, but they need to GO ! Sincerely, Joseph McGlinchey ********** [095842:010707] J.T., La Jolla, CA No disrespect is intended in criticizing the late President Gerald Ford, but his pardon of Nixon, while self-sacrificing in terms of its not being good for Ford's political career going forward, was nonetheless an expedient, short-sighted quick-fix; Ford wanted to move the country forward and wanted it to not get bogged down in hearings and court proceedings. That's understandable and possibly even admirable, but the consequences of that short-term thinking have been dire. The result has been that politicians within the executive branch have been emboldened to break the law to serve their own political and personal ends and be reasonably certain that there would be little or no consequences. The Bush-Cheney administration is only the most recent and the worst offender. Now the Democrats refuse to try to impeach these undeniable criminals because of their own self-serving needs and desires. Where is Justice? Those who break the law must be held accountable; this involves messy trials, for no convictions or jail time will result if political expediency is allowed to rule the day. If neither Bush, Jr. nor Cheney is impeached, more members of the executive branch will continue to break more and more laws and know they will get away with it. Our system of government is breaking down; and within a very short period of time, our laws and the Constitution will become more and more meaningless. I call on all members of Congress --both Democrats and Republicans-- to set aside their partisan loyalities and ambitions and do the right thing: those who break the law and lie to the American people over and over and over again are clearly serving themselves first and not us; simply put, they aretraitors and must be removed from office, tried, and convicted. ********** [132527:010507] L.H., Louisville, KY U.S. citizens in polls and elections say: "Impeach Bush and Cheney now"! I do too. I hope you do as well while in Congress. ********** [050359:010507] g.e., Shoreham, VT This is way overdue, the damage done by this administration will be repaired by our children and their children's children. ********** [100207:010307] P.G., San Diego, CA As your constituent, I demand action NOW. Bush and CHeney must be brought to justice for the unforgiveable destruction they have caused to our nation and to the world. Push for immediate and complete investigations, prosecutions, and sentences on these traitors and war criminals. DO YOUR JOB! DO IT NOW! ********** [181821:010107] J.B., San Leandro, CA Dear American Citizens: Open your eyes to the huge abuses of power currently wielded by our White House administration. Impeachment is our own checks-and-balances to use whenever our president misleads his constituency. Let's use our grass roots power to reclaim our American liberties! ********** [133836:010107] M.I., Newberg, OR President Bush and Vice President Cheney must be called to account for taking the US into an illegal war in Iraq. Please support impeachment now. ********** [091826:010107] R.D., Athens, GA The November elections gave a clear mandate. DO YOUR Fing job! investigate the billions of dollars of taxpayer money being squandered as New Orleans drowns, as our soldiers die, as billionares pay fewer taxes, as 50 million people suffer without healthcare, as america's reputation abroad plummets, as the dollar plummets, as big oil manipulates prices to maximize financial blood-letting of the average american, as the orwellian media spews ever less believable propaganda. Yes, this has turned into a rant. Maybe if you did your jobs, there wouldn't be such a catastrophic, endless mess to rant about. PS I left out the part about election integrity - you know, the core of our "democracy" - and when you straiten out that mess, financial heads of the wrongdoers (evildoers?) do need to roll, or there will be a next time, and it will be worse! I abhor violence. I fear that there will be an ever increasing spiral of violence in this country if the people that are supposed to be representing the actual living breathing citizens of this country continue to fail to do their job. The situation, the trend is more catastrophic than the most severe climate change warnings out there, so please get with your proctologists, and take a look around the real world! ********** [220134:123106] C.B., New York, NY Failing to impeach Bush for bringing the country to war justified by lies, for incompetent and self-destructive prosecution of the war, for disregarding the Constitution and detaining prisoners without basic due process serves as tacit endorsement of these actions. The administration must be held to account, lest some future administration cites Bush 43 as "precedent" and expects it to be taken seriously. ********** [124539:123106] A.M., Woodland Hills, CA Out of several meetings I have attended with Congressman Henry Waxman in the past couple years, he has steadfastly refused to sign on to any impeachment resolutions or resolutions to investigate illegal actions by the Bush Administration. Ultimately, his only excuse was that the Democrats did not have the power to do so. Well now the Democrats have the majority in both the House and the Senate -- well, maybe in a few days. So what excuse does Con. Waxman now espouse? Will he in fact start real investigations into illegal acts by the Executive? He certainly has compiled a long list of felonious statements to Congress by the King and all his horses and men and Condoleeza. Will Henry continue to opine that leaving Iraq will leave the poor Iraqis in a murderous civil war? How many more people will die in that country if the Americans stay? How much sooner will Americans be forced to develop alternative energy if we leave? Congressman Waxman has said the same thing about occupied Palestine. He says there is a civil war between Hamas and Fatah. Never mind that Hamas won a clean election by an overwhelming majority. Never mind that Israelis have jailed up to sixty elected Hamas officials. Henry Waxman led the charge to protect Israel in the face of rocket attacks on Haifa. Israel responded to these attacks by bombing the hell out of Lebanon two weeks past the Knesset's vote for a cease-fire. Will Con. Waxman say that withdrawing from Iraq will be bad for Israel too? Have Israel and the United States been using too many illegal weapons and conducting too many illegal acts of aggression (read pre-emptive by some) ? Will these collaborative acts come back to haunt us and our ally? Sometimes empires get too far-flung to maintain control of their assets. The Romans crossed the Rubicon and started their decline. The Germans expanded their conflict into Africa, but couldn't quite feed their war machine there. I'm sure that most Americans do not realize the extent of covert American involvement in wars worldwide, especially since the advent of this Bush Administration. It seems that the United States has reached a tipping point of sorts. The best thing, in my humble opinion, would be to impeach our criminal leaders, conduct investigations (real ones), end our "War on Terrorism," and get busy protecting our legitimate assets and reforming our non-representative government so that we do not encourage the oppressed peoples of the world to seek retribution against us. Congressman Waxman will now be in charge of the Government Reform Committee. If he does in fact call for substantive investigations, I applaud him. Real investigations will produce pink slips for corrupt politicians. Investigations which seek to minimize the crimes of the past six years will allow the wars to continue and reform to become just another Orwellian euphemism. It seems that Henry is at the banks of his own personal Rubicon. For the sake of the good people of New Orleans and homeless people nationwide, and just ordinary citizens trying to make ends meet, perhaps it is time to de-fund the war and stick OUR money back into OUR economy. Represent, Henry! ********** [233506:122906] S.J., Philadelphia, PA With what has taken place in the last few years under the Bush Administration and the larger Republican influence, the American public has seen numerous politicians ousted as liars and manipulators, a war revealed as illegal and unending, and our constitution has been betrayed by a man who was sworn into office to protect it. Now, the American public stands, as it often does, at a crossroad; a decision must be made. We can decide to take action either political or socially and change the path down which this nation seems headed, or we can stand and watch as betrayal by our representatives continues. By now, it is obvious that it will continue unless the people take action against it. What will we do? I hope and fight for action. ********** [183304:122906] J.I., Vestal, NY Since we still seem to believe we have a Democracy, and since we continue to try to force it on other nations, let's *really* have a Democracy. When we take the Constitution seriously, we see that we must enforce our system of checks and balances. Since our current Executive will not abide by the Constitution, we must indeed impeach. That is the method clearly set forth in the Constitution to make our government work as intended by the Founders. ********** [105616:122906] p.t., Clearwater, FL It's not OK to break the laws of this country. It's not OK for any American president or Vice President to think he is above the law. They are supposed to be an example to all of us, not violaters of our laws and our rights as Americans. They need to take a good look at what they did and I don't think they will unless they are made to. ********** [235045:122806] R.A., Grand Rapids, MI I agree that this administration is not heeding the message sent by the electorate on November 7, 2006. While the intimation of bipartisan operations is a worthwhile goal, actions speak louder than words, and words are all that we are receiving. Maximum pressure must be applied to bring the administration to the awareness that accountability can no longer be denied to the American people. Their incompetence and malfeasance in office must be addressed immediately. ********** |