Action pnum570 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Oppose funding for Iraq troop increases ********** [233651:042907] R.J., Los Angeles, CA There were no terrorists in Iraq to go to war AGAINST, except ones the Bush and Cheney themselves elevated by their reckless occupation. And continuing the occupation there will just breed two more local insurgents for every one they pick off in a photo-op bombing. It's time for Congress to fufill the promise of the November elections to stop the war in Iraq. Support S. 233 and H. Res. 41 right now! ********** [112102:030507] O.A., Princeton, NJ Please support S. 233 and H. Res. 41. We need to end our involvement in the Iraqi civil war, and these resolutions will promote withdrawal. As a constituent, I hereby call upon you to act an ensure that no more innocent lives are "wasted" (Cheney's own words!) on these religiously-based ocnflict. ********** [134750:030307] T.M., Gig Harbor, WA Stop the war. Pull out now. It was illegal then. It is illegal now. Bush is a war criminal and should be jailed. ********** [182552:021107] E.M., Camano Island, WA As there is NO other way to stop the ESCALATION, we must support S.233 and H. Res.41, and do whatever it takes to stop more chaos on all fronts. We should never have invaded, we should have stuck to Afghanistan.....where we might still make a difference. ********** [164421:021107] L.E., Pine Grove, PA Maybe the American public has not spoken loudly enough. What is it going to take to wake you all up!!!! My son has been on three deployments already, Would you please like to volunteer your son or your daughter to go in his place...Just for one day I wish you could live in the kind of fear "WE" have lived through. I wish you could see what I see when I look into my son's eyes. I am sorry to wish these things on you but Maybe if for ONE DAY, you have to feel these things, I really do believe you would not have been so FAST TO SEND YOUR CHILD TO A WAR....THAT IS NOTHING BUT A LIE, PLEASE WAKE UP, AND DO SOMETHING!!!!! ********** [232226:021007] M.L., Santa Clara, CA The longer we stay in Iraq, the more soldiers will die there. Are you prepare (Mr. Congressman and Senators) to tell the grieving moms that their sons died because you did not act fast enough... ********** [225740:020807] C.B., New York, NY No further escalation in Iraq. The generals don't want it, the American public doesn't want it, the Iraqis don't want it. And no non-binding resolution. Have the courage of your convictions, and work for passage of S 233 and HR 41. ********** [182647:020707] E.R., Oakland, CA Please support S. 233 and H. Res. 41 to get out of this illegal quagmire as soon as possible. We are jeopardizing our moral standing throughout the world and endangering our own democracy. Our troops need to be "supported" by being brought home and out of harm's way. ********** [080340:020607] J.H., Lancaster, CA THE WAR ON TERROR IS A LIE!!! RE-INVESTIGATE 9/11. THE TRAGEDIES THAT OCCURRED ON 9/11 WERE ORCHESTRATED BY OUR OWN GOVERNMENT! IT WAS NOTHING BUT A MASSACRE CREATED BY OUR GOVERNMENT SO THAT WE COULD GO TO WAR FOR OIL AND A NEW WORLD ORDER WHO'S WORKING TOWARDS A ONE WORLD GOVERNEMT!! PLEASE, GET 9/11 REINVESTIGATE, HAVE BUSH AND CHENEY AND ALL HIS LITTLE FOLLOWERS ARRESTED FOR MASS MURDER AND TREASON!!!! IMPEACH HIM! HE IS EVIL. ********** [195837:020407] J.Q., Crossville, TN The "The War on Terror" is a metaphor for Neo-con world domination for America and extension of empire. Leave Iraq and repair the national debt and stop the loss of life. ********** [231719:020107] S.B., Sloughhouse, CA It was all too predictable that the Bush White House would not only ignore, but defy the message sent last November. Since then, they continue to ignore congress, the generals on the ground and the recommendations of the Iraq Study Group. These Neocon madmen must be stopped! ********** [183941:020107] C.C., Liberty, NC Please support Senator Kennedy's bill S233. This country is set up to have checks by the courts, Congress and the executive office. This executive office has overstepped it's bounds too many times, it must stop. ********** [152436:012907] J.T., Redwood City, CA Please! No more loss of more trashing of America. I love my country and it hurts to see what we have become as a result of the actions of the leaders of our land. Please stop this insanity!! Get our troops out of Iraq. God Bless America!! Janet Tipper ********** [114245:012907] B.E., Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA The Bush Administration is no longer capable of fooling anyone. Stop this criminal war and immoral treatment of our neighbors in the world. ********** [041856:012907] A.H., New York, NY Support BINDING Legislation To Stop Bush's Escalation In Iraq In the Senate, Ted Kennedy has introduced S. 233 which would prohibit the White House from spending any federal funds on an increase of troop levels in Iraq without express Congressional consent. On the House side, Marty Meehan's H. Res. 41 would require a parallel authorization. Dennis Kucinich is also bringing forward a resolution to actually mandate a phased withdrawal and we will support that too when it is introduced. With regards to the Kennedy bill, Harry Reid was quoted yesterday as saying he would "prefer" a non-binding resolution as way of sending a "message" to the president. Despite his recent letter advocating against the escalation, on the point of what actual action to take Harry Reid has it wrong. The only message non-binding resolutions would send is that Congress lacks the courage to confront the incorrigible bullies in the White House. We might as well set up a special conference room in the Capitol for public hand wringing. By defying absolutely the entire rest of the government not including his few remaining quislings, George Bush is deliberately FORCING a Constitutional crisis. We have no choice but to stand up to him directly and immediately. There were many entirely false premises in Bush's awkward and uncomfortable speech recently. But central to it all was the assertion that the Iraqi people want us in their country to bring them our wonderful democratic system of government. That time is long past. Absolutely every poll there demonstrates they overwhelmingly want us to just leave. It's not just Democrats, there are many Republicans who increasingly alarmed by the new Bush lurch in the direction of sheer madness. Chuck Hagel was quoted as saying, "This is a dangerously wrong-headed strategy that will drive America deeper into an unwinnable swamp at a great cost." That's an understatement. Although all the pre-speech marketing was about some kind of temporary "surge," Bush used that word not one time in his prepared statement. Instead he painted a picture of at LEAST another year of ever increasing violence, backed up with barely veiled threats to wage full scale war on BOTH Iran and Syria. We must raise every possible voice to call for support of S. 233 and H. Res. 41 right now. These must pass by overwhelming margins. We have very little time. Bush did not even wait to make his announcement to start deploying the new troops. We have an outlaw administration bent on turning a disaster into an utter debacle. Bush must be stopped and he and Cheney MUST BE IMPEACHED FOR THIS CRMINAL WAR AND THE LIES THAT GOT THE COUNTRY INTO IT. ********** [220648:012807] V.D., Philadelphia, PA Save the livs of our young men and women by bringing them home now. They should not be in the middle of a civil war, which it is. No war on Iran. No to assassination of Iranians. The maddness of Mr. Bush must stop Now. ********** [014533:012807] D.M., Rock Island, IL Pease, Support BINDING Legislation To Stop Bush's Escalation In Iraq. We cannot continue to act unilateraly in our foreign policy. And we need to keep the disaster of the war in Iraq from becoming worse than it is. Thanks for your continued considerate response to these issues. Diane R McCarthy ********** [133427:012707] J.C., San Francisco, CA Senator Feinstein, I am writing to ask you to STOP the war in Iraq NOW, bring our troops home NOW, cut funding for the war in Iraq NOW, provide NO FUNDS for a war in Iran, and IMPEACH Bush and Chaney NOW Non binding resolutions are worthless. In November the American people put the Democrats in control of congress and the senate to end the war and bring our troops home and to impeach Bush and Chaney NOW before they can do more damage.We the people spoke but clearly our representatives have not been listening. END the WAR and IMPEACH the criminals who pulled us into the war through lies and deception. An icrease in the minimum wage to a new and still inadequate pay to live on is not what we were demanding of the democrats. End the war! Impeach the criminals Bush and Chaney. END this madness and take the funds Bush and Chaney want for war, take it for Universal Health Care, houssing, to improve our schools and education system and we want clean, non nuclear energy. We want social services for the less fortunate. We want to be proud of our country! PLEASE ACT NOW! Thank you. Joanne Clum ********** [133308:012707] J.C., San Francisco, CA Dear Speaker of the House, Nancy Palosi, I am writing to ask you to STOP the war in Iraq NOW, bring our troops home NOW, cut funding for the war in Iraq NOW, provide NO FUNDS for a war in Iran, and IMPEACH Bush and Chaney NOW Non binding resolutions are worthless. In November the American people put the Democrats in control of congress and the senate to end the war and bring our troops home and to impeach Bush and Chaney NOW before they can do more damage.We the people spoke but clearly our representatives have not been listening. END the WAR and IMPEACH the criminals who pulled us into the war through lies and deception. An icrease in the minimum wage to a new and still inadequate pay to live on is not what we were demanding of the democrats. End the war! Impeach the criminals Bush and Chaney. END this madness and take the funds Bush and Chaney want for war, take it for Universal Health Care, houssing, to improve our schools and education system and we want clean, non nuclear energy. We want social services for the less fortunate. We want to be proud of our country! PLEASE ACT NOW! Thank you. Joanne Clum ********** [133048:012707] J.C., San Francisco, CA Dear Senator Boxer, I am writing to ask you to STOP the war in Iraq NOW, bring our troops home NOW, cut funding for the war in Iraq NOW, provide NO FUNDS for a war in Iran, and IMPEACH Bush and Chaney NOW! Thank you, Joanne Clum Non binding resolutions are worthless. In November the American people put the Democrats in control of congress and the senate to end the war and bring our troops home and to impeach Bush and Chaney NOW before they can do more damage.We the people spoke but clearly our representatives have not been listening. END the WAR and IMPEACH the criminals who pulled us into the war through lies and deception. An icrease in the minimum wage to a new and still inadequate pay to live on is not what we were demanding of the democrats. End the war! Impeach the criminals Bush and Chaney. END this madness and take the funds Bush and Chaney want for war, take it for Universal Health Care, houssing, to improve our schools and education system and we want clean, non nuclear energy. We want social services for the less fortunate. We want to be proud of our country! PLEASE ACT NOW! Thank you. ********** [045429:011107] K.K., Scottsdale, AZ These are numbers of which I am interested: Maximum kill of US troops in Iraq/Afghanistan ? Maximum wounded of US troops in Iraq/Afghanistan ? Estimated Iraquis killed ? Will US quit when these numbers are acheived? WHY NOT SOONER ????? ********** [045418:011107] J.C., Glenmoore, PA Wake up, Congress! Stop this senseless slaughter now! The republicons must have you trained to ignore the polls. I remember a time when the opinion of the American people meant something. No more money for war. Lots of money to "support our troops" home. Got it? You too can be voted out. Stop this grotesque figure of a president pretender selling war. Rah rah war! It's obscene. Stop him and his criminal cabal of an administration. You have the power and you have the people. Stop them! Jan Carroll ********** [045033:011107] P.T., Miami, FL As a citizen of this country I am imploring you to support both H Res.41 and S.233; since an escalation of the illegal war in Iraq would only result in more deaths of both Americans and Iraq citizens. My two nephews who are members of the military did not swear to fight for oil; but to defend America when necessary. This illegal occupation of Iraq for the sole purpose of theft is unconscionable. ********** [043400:011107] J.M., Spencerville, IN It is past time to stop the train. It is going the wrong direction. ********** [131810:012407] C.M., North Las Vegas, NV I strongly oppose the current US policy regarding the Middle East. It is my sincere desire that Congress take back the control of our country that has been subverted by this administrations lies, bullying, and arrogance. Please pass this resolution and begin to end this ill-conceived international act of aggression. Restore our pride and dignity. Sincerely, Cindy MacDonald ********** |