Action pnum592 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Leave labor union protections in the antiterror bill S. 4 and H.R. 800 ********** [085602:011308] C.M., Libertyville, IL In America, we pride ourselves being "democratic" but our labor system is anything but that. Please stand up for our workers by bringing democracy to the workplace and giving our workers a voice that can be heard, rather than the voices of the corporations who have grown far too influential. ********** [220311:031407] G.A., Sugar Land, TX I urge you to support our workers with their welfare in mind by leaving the labor union protections in the antiterror bill S.4 and H.R. 800. Of course labor unions in the past have not been perfect. However, perfection is not very common in this world. At this time, we need to give our workers some power to bargain for their own good. ********** [183059:031307] M.O., Pompano Beach, FL Our government is so corrupt under the Bush Administration, that employees deserve independent negoiators that can't be fired, to protect them with a living wage, adequate health insurance, workplace safety, the right to support the political party of their choice without fear of being fired etc.. etc. ********** [231641:031207] R.D., Sacramento, CA We are a third-world country. All the jobs are being sold out to China for cheap goods. Please send the illegal immigrants home and stop this war so we can stop borrowing money from China! ********** [212958:031207] R.G., Calumet City, IL It's long over due for the working people to fight back in this war against them. ********** [182932:031007] C.M., Lancaster, PA The talking point is always "protect small business." I work for a small business, and our starting salary is over the minimum. I invite anyone in Congress who votes against the minimum wage increase to try to live on the current minimum wage -- and support their family -- much the way some NYC judges have forced slum landlords to live in their own housing units until the problems were fixed. I guarantee, you won't enjoy the experience. However, you might actually learn something from it. ********** [110011:030907] D.L., Veneta, OR our unions helped build our standard of life in past decades but are now down to about 155 of the labor force and going lower as corporations are pressing for cheaper labor and encouraging amnesty for the illegal aliens they are hiring illegally. ********** [184947:030707] H.S., Brackenridge, PA This combat veteran asks that American workers get the same democratic respect and freedom we are paying Iraq to give their workers! ********** [150703:030707] R.H., Torrance, CA Less than 15% of U.S. workforce is represented by unions and the numbers are going down fast.....Unionism must be protected to protect what this country is all about.....democracy, justice, freedom, and liberty. ********** [072941:030607] J.L., Yacolt, WA Why would it be so wrong if we were allowed to support our troops by letting them form unions? That way, we could hear, first hand, from union reps, how bad things are at Walter Reed Hospital and how what kind of equipment they are getting to fight wars with. That way we could see first hand how the money that is spent on the troops compares with that which is gave to Halliburton. ********** [144711:030507] K.C., Cedar Rapids, IA You must protect the labour Unions in this country, it is getting increasingly difficult for workers to have any say in the work place. As a college student soon to join the work force, I'm frightened by the way American workers are being mistreated in this country. ********** [132524:030507] M.J., Los Angeles, CA I don't want or need a 'Fascist' world. Please vote NO on S.4 and H.R. 800 we all know that 911 was a 'put-up' job and that these measures are - all of them, are unneeded! ********** [083524:030507] M.S., Clifton Park, NY It is ridiculous to suggest that treating workers fairly and protecting our country against terrorism are somehow mutually exclusive. These are the same people who believe that we have to compromise our basic rights, morals, and democratic principles in order to "protect" ourselves. Such actions only diminish what makes America great. The terrorists will have won, if -- in the name of fear -- we compromise the rights and protections of all Americans. ********** [075818:030507] D.C., Saint Joseph, MI Make sure you protect worker rights when implementing the 911 Commission recommendations. ********** [075550:030507] B.C., Saint Joseph, MI Please protect worker rights when you implement 911 Commission recommendations. ********** [233503:030407] t.a., Austin, TX Most people are so busy working they aren't aware of the nasty convolutions their elected officials are up to. I think it is so funny most of the perpeTRAITORS are affiliated with christian sects, which champion the ol' protestant work-ethic. Irony in Action should be the Republican party slogan! ********** [224500:030407] G.R., Palm Springs, CA Allow the security people to form a Union, we are in a time when unions are so weakened that most will not join. But everyone has the right to be represented before upper management in numbers. ********** [150057:030407] l.j., Dubuque, IA leave labor union protections in the anti terror bill s.4 and h.r. 800. it is time to allow americans to organize themselves without having to face the force of corporations and their money that have been buying you for so many years, members of congress! ********** [114447:030407] R.T., Converse, TX Leave labor union protections in the antiterror bill S. 4 and H.R. 800. ********** [085146:030407] R.M., Rochester, MI Take every opportunity to re-examine any negative stand or opposition for S. 4 or H.R. 800. If we cannot support the working men and women in this country; if we cannot include our labor unions as a part of our social and economic fabric, then surely, the terrorists are on their way to another victory ********** [231310:030307] K.M., Santa Rosa, CA Unions brought the high standard of living to the common people of these United States of America. We the people do not need weaker unions. Only the very rich and powerful need weaker unions. Weaker unions would cause us, the people of these United States of America, to slide back into the low standard of living so prevalent during the 19th century and the first half of the twentieth century. I, for one, don't want to return to the Irish slum days of old. Beef-up support for unions. ********** [195649:030307] A.H., Plant City, FL How long is the little guy suppose to take it?We get no representation because we can't buy votes like special interest. ********** [185129:030307] P.L., Portland, OR It is an outrage that the current administration is waging war against workers' rights to organize and collectively bargain for the terms of their own employment. I believe that, given the opportunity, those who oppose the right to organize would welcome the return of the sweat shops here in America. Unions are the last line of defense against those who would abuse their workforce in the name of high profits. ********** [163612:030307] D.M., New York, NY The Republican Party should be voted out of every office in this country. Their whole agenda is about destroying the "American" way of life for everyone but themselves and their parasitical cronies. The Republicans are the biggest group of thieves and swindlers ever seen in the history of this country! They are a cancer on this country! ********** [161910:030307] S.A., Los Angeles, CA Protect the workers and let them join unions. If I weren't a union member, I would be an indentured slave. It's the union that got us a raise and good health benefits. That's why wealthy people hate unions. They prefer profit over the welfare of the workers. Let's not forget that the workers are the backbone of the USA expecially now with the terrorism threat. They are the ones on the frontline supporting and protecting this country. ********** |