Action pnum601 Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log Support the Lee Amendment for fully funded withdrawal from Iraq ********** [160325:091107] J.H., Charlotte, NC The time has come to end the Iraq War as quickly as possible. Please put your full weight behind the Lee Amendment for fully funded withdrawal from Iraq. ********** [145837:070307] G.J., New Kensington, PA Don't worry about being re-elected. If you make the right decision, you will keep your job. No Bush, No Cheney, No Gonzales, No WAR, No dilly dallying around ... let's get something done ********** [121840:052107] C.B., Mount Horeb, WI Stop killing our soldiers in the name of Corporate Oil. So what if they dont sign an agreement to give us their oil..It is theirs isn't it? If you vote in favor of funding our continued occupation of Iraq, you are killing our soldiers for no reason other than Corporate profits. ********** [222522:042507] m.s., Florence, MA Let's end this illiegal and immoral war now! Out of IRaq! No go to Iran! Do not let them bully us any more. ********** [060054:042207] D.F., Virginia Beach, VA It is time we stopped bush from his unyielding actions regarding Iraq. It is time we stopped bush from his continual, cold-blooded actions by sending our men and women to their deaths, emotional scars and bodily disfigurements. It is time we stopped bush from his ongoing and intentional attempt to destabilize the entire Middle East, leading into possible WW III because he thinks he is on a holy mission from his God. We must bring our men and women home. If bush wants to continue, bring our troops home and send bush, cheney, rumsfeld and rice to fight. This will most assuredly quell the insurgency. ********** [035317:041407] T.C., Hamilton, OH To be frank, let's understand that the senate has been ineffective in halting the Iraq fiasco and is on the verge of allowing an extension of that conflict into Iran. Five combat brigades and three naval aircraft carriers indicate an imminent strike against Iran and preparations to shield Baghdad from a counterattack by Iran. If you or your colleagues have any last vestiges of judgment, courage, patriotism and integrity you should take steps to preclude the possibility of more military adventurism in Iran. ********** [122512:041007] l.j., Dubuque, IA the Iraqi people have taken to the streets by the thousands to show their non- violent desire to help themselves create democracy in iraq, to rebuild their water system, thier health care system and take control of their own energy resources. When we ignore their non-violent demonstrations we push them towards using violence in order to control their destiny. Right now the only time the Iraqi people see much of a reaction from the American occupation forces is when extreme violence is used. What message do you think that sends to the Iraqi people? The American people voted in a democratic congress to confront the President and his plans for a serge and bring the war to an end. The U.N. has stepped up its' involvment in Iraq and with iraqs' neighbors in order to create support for iraq to govern itself. What else is needed before President Bush will let Iraq move forward to heal its' wounds and start the process of self governance? Please write and call your president and congress people and let them know it is time for the Iraqi people to exercise their idea of freedom while the united States steps down in all areas control. It is much more realistic and definable than sending our troops in again and again to fight fatigue, fear and the many sided factions of the newly empowered iraqi people. ********** [025825:040707] J.N., Austin, TX Please end US war crimes in Iraq, bring our troops home safely and prosecute the traitors who sent them. ********** [180859:040307] M.H., Pevely, MO When you really look at all this president has done to this country for ulterior motives, how can you not consider impeachment? The "war on terror" is a fraud, 9/11 was a CRIME and should have been investigated as such, there were no terrorists in Iraq until we dove in there and started committing genocide, there were only innocent civilians and bureaucrats trying to deal with a situation just like all of us are now doing. The best thing you can do for yourself to avoid being complicit in the death of this nation is to repeal all dictatorial executive powers, and you know exactly what those are. Those are powers that violate the true laws of this land. What is the good of forcing so called freedom on people at the point of a gun? While killing indescriminately on fear of anyone suddenly turning into a terrorist? What would you do if foreign soldiers threw grenades into your house killing your wife, daughter baby, father, etc. etc.? And would do so again if given the same situation? Going house to house like that through your neighborhood? What would you do if foreign soldiers occupied neighboring rooftops and shot anything that moved? Do you really think these actions in "theatre" are okay? I cannot comprehend. Please put aside the bonds of loyalty and see with open eyes, ponder with reason, not rhetoric. Please do something to save this country. There is no freedom down the road this administration is dragging us down, and I think you should know that. Impeach them all, now, before you pass a law with a rider in it that makes impeachment not allowed. Congress has already handed over way too much of its duties, illegally, and must right the wrongs it has done. Now. Please. It's your job. ********** [125755:040307] L.S., Mobile, AL As one of the constituents who are mostly against the continuation, and further escalation of the War in Iraq, I ask you to use the money instead for a troop withdrawal, in accordance with the will of the people you represent. ********** [205719:040207] D.H., Spring, TX We need a definite withdrawal date, with no additional funding for ANY war. The Lee Amendment should have been on the original bill. Again Pelosi wants "no teeth" in legislation. When will she learn that the American people are sick of a war that is to build an Empire (OIL) for the United States. Fight the supposed "war on terror" here at home. We would have less terrorist threats if we didn't attack other countries, which IS against International Law. Bring our troops home now. ********** [162241:040207] M.K., Descanso, CA Duncan, I know you're entertaining the idea of running for president in 2008 and if you are really serious about this, you might want to consider about dropping your blind allegiance to the Bushies and consider what your constituency and the American people really want. The number one thing we want is our boys home from Iraq. ********** [104848:040107] J.E., Tazewell, TN This war is a blatant threat to our own civil liberties and ofers us no protection against the so -called terrorists that our policies of economic marginalization and full-scale oppression have created. ********** [163840:033107] D.P., Rio Rancho, NM The difference between the supplemental war appropriation and some other bill to stop the war is that this is a measure that the president NEEDS from Congress. This is not a bill he can veto and count on having enough remaining rubber-stampers to scuttle an override. This may in fact be the ONLY meaningful chance we will have in the next two years to keep from inheriting the military policy disaster in Iraq, to embrace for our very own shame. The American people will not forgive the Democrats for caving in again, when they gave us enough power to stop the war for the very PURPOSE of exercising that power. ********** [145706:033107] M.B., Gloucester, MA It is time now for the congress to put a stop to our involvement in the civil war in Iraq. Please have the courge to stop all funding for the war except for the purposes of a safe withdrawal. If impeachment of Bush and Cheney iss the only way to accomplish this goal, then it is time for Impeachment as well to restore our Constituiton and rule of law. Thank you. ********** [143147:033007] H.L., Hamden, CT Polls show that most Iraqis want us out and most Americans do too. To delay, only means more people killed or seriously mained, more destructionction and more money thrown away. We must end it now. ********** [135235:033007] J.M., Elgin, IL Impeachment is the only ethical option left to end the war, the Bush regime and begin a democracy once again. ********** [094820:033007] T.L., New York, NY It is time for our government to face up to the reality of the disaster created by this administration which is evermore proving to be deceitful, arrogant, and unjust. I truly believe that the future of America as we have known it is at stake and the values we cherish and enjoy are at risk. T. Law ********** [012234:033007] B.W., Reedsburg, WI All the reasons we went to war were based on lies. It was to control Iraq's oil and protect OPEC's world monopoly. We need to shake off the chains that bind us to OPEC, and we start by ending this war now. ********** [000248:033007] P.E., Los Altos, CA Please,please vote to withdraw our troops and stop them returning in casket and maimed both bodily and mentally. Thank you Paul Engstrom ********** [141012:032907] R.T., West Nyack, NY It's time to end the disaster NOW. So support the Lee amendment. ********** [130034:032907] N.W., San Jose, CA We have made a terrible mess in the Middle East. Our presence is only making it worse for the people there and money for Bush cronies. ********** [114424:032907] T.M., Simi Valley, CA The war needs to end. The American people have had it with this illegal engagement and we want out now! Please support the proposal for a fully funded withdrawl. Let's do the right thing and do it right! ********** [110247:032907] C.F., Fairfax, CA How can you stand by and let this happen? You, alone may not have the power to affect change, but until people start standing up to this criminal "leader" we call president, American rights and values will continually be whittled away until we have nothing worth fighting for. Please take action to stop this war now and bring home the men and women who have been fooled into risking their lives for the profiteers in power. ********** [054633:032907] J.H., Charlotte, NC What seems to be your major malfunction? What part of OUT don't you understand? Support Our Troops not zee fuhrer Seig Heil. ********** |