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Put a sidebar button on YOUR site (like the one to the right) linking to this page. Here is the code:

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and be sure to submit both Action Pages:
Corporations Are NOT The People
Impeach The Supreme Court 5
Submit Your "I'M THE PEOPLE" YouTube Video And Win!
We're having a contest to see to see who can submit the most creative YouTube video on the theme of "I'M THE PEOPLE", because apparently five members of the Supreme Court can't tell the difference between natural citizens and disembodied, fictitious business entities. The top 10 winners will each get their choice of one of our progressive advocacy gifts, PLUS the grand prize winner by your votes will get a Dennis Kucinich pocket constitution, personally autographed by Dennis Kucinich himself!! Get your videos in so we can open up the voting function here. Additional prizes for videos with the most YouTube views on their own!

YouTube Link:
Rules: Make your own YouTube video using this mpeg video clip (right click to download) at the end, on the theme "I'M THE PEOPLE", and then click here to submit its YouTube link using the form above. Once we have a reasonable number of submissions we will open the voting and the people decide the winners. If you don't have any video editing skills, but can shoot the video, please email us and we'll help you put it together.

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Use the new People Lobby resource to call your members of Congress on these issues:
Negate Citizens United
No Fast Track For TPP
Stop NSA Mass Surveillance