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Bring Our Troops Home Now
Yesterday, President Obama announced that he was backing down from his promise to get most of the rest of our troops out of Afghanistan, and is now talking about an essentially indefinite US ground troop presence there.
After 14 years of purple fingers and surges, it's time to recognize this for what it is, the mother of all quagmires. Of course the original blame is with George Bush and Dick Cheney, who arrogantly destroyed not only the physical infrastructure but also the political and military infrastructure of this region, and deliberately so. There was never a possibility there for anything else but puppet regimes propped up only by American military force, or the sectarian chaos that has raged ever since.
We are not making things better by our presence.
Bring our troops home now.
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to all your government representatives selected below, with the subject "Bring Our Troops Home Now." At the same time you can send your personal comments only as a letter to the editor of your nearest local daily newspaper if you like.